DRU Dik Guerts stoves Dublin and the whole of Ireland. Our range of DRU Dik Geurts stoves has been proving very popular – and there’s one simple but very powerful reason for this – they’re simply among the best products in their class. This is a very long-established Dutch company and over time they have really perfected the art of designing and manufacturing stoves with the highest efficiency and the cleanest combustion system – which is such an important consideration these days.
DRU Dik Guerts stoves are also designed to meet the most exacting standards. Their technically advanced features help them deliver a great heat output along with efficiency above 85% And the other thing is, they actually look great – our customers often tell us how much they’re enjoying using their Dik Guerts stoves.
There is quite a range to choose from, so browse the entireĀ Dik Guerts range then call us for a chat. Choose wood and multi-fuel stoves in a broad range of styles and designs, from the classic cast iron look to really spectacular looking modern designs – there is literally a style to suit just about every taste.
Here’s a bit more info about the company. They were founded back in 1981 and the aim was to create superior products that would stand the test of time. Over the years, as we have all become much more conscious of the environmental effects of our home heating, the DRU Dik Guerts range has been at the vanguard of design and research, which is why the company can offer such clean burning stoves.
Remember, as they state on the brochure, “DRU Dik Geurts stoves is not merely a receptacle to burn wood. It is a well thought-out piece of equipment that ensures wood is burned as efficiently and cleanly as possible.” How do they achieve that? The models all have a closed burning base to catch ash. This flat ash-covered base provides excellent insulation and you only need to empty it once it looks like overspilling. Also, the combustion chamber is optimally insulated with vermiculite and flue gases are drawn off via a cleverly designed labyrinth.
One of the other benefits of purchasing a Dik Guerts stove is that the company is committed to providing a better future for Ugandan women via its ‘Stove For You’ scheme in which a percentage of the profits are used to give women in Uganda microcredits to help them start their own businesses.
To talk to us about a DRU Dik Guerts stove in your home, call me at EcoHomeSolutions today – I look forward to talking to you.